Friday, 1 February 2013

10 Great Resolutions for the New Year.

 As we approach the end of one year and the beginning of another, it's best to make changes that would make us better people. Here are ten smart resolutions that would transform you in ways you never imagined.
1) Health: What better way to start the year than to resolve to take better care of your health. If you are over-weight, reduce your portions. Using smaller serving bowls or dishes for your meals will help. Do at least 10 t0 15 minutes of rigorous activity daily to exercise your body. If you smoke, quit smoking already! New research shows nicotine increases blood sugar level so in addition to cancer and other smoking health hazards, smokers are also now at risk of diabetes. Take antioxidants and lots of fruits and veggies. Sleep under a mosquito net; the mosquitoes seem to have developed thick skin to insecticides. De-worm regularly and do regular check-ups. Stop self medication; see a doctor when you are sick.
2) Finance: Resolve to save more in the coming year. It’s been said that you should save at least 10% of your income but if you have been doing that, then you’ll know that your savings will grow slowly if you adhere strictly to that. I suggest you save between 20% to 40% of your income, even 70% if you can. Make your savings earn more by investing it and then re-investing the returns.
3) Love and Marriage: Love is a beautiful thing. It makes life worth living. In 2013, let yourself fall in love. Don’t be afraid. It’s part of what makes you human. Although, it will hurt badly if it was a mistake and it all goes wrong, loving is still worth the happiness it brings no matter how short that happiness lasts. For the long over-due bachelors and spinsters, don’t you think its time to take the bold step and formalize/legalize that relationship? Gents, pop the question. Give that faithful girlfriend of so many years a ring. Ladies, do say ‘Yes’ when he pops the question.
4) Relationship with God: Here’s the time to move a step closer to your creator. Take it or leave it, you need Him more than he needs you and He is the only one who can give you that bright future that you so desire. Go to church, study the bible and communicate with him in prayers.
5) Career: Do something self-developmental. Improve your self-value and worth. Read books and get certifications that will increase your chances of getting a better job. If you already have a great job, go for courses, trainings, seminars and workshops that would make you better on your current job. Be professional and efficient at whatever you do, no matter how little it might seem to be.
6) Relationship with people: People are the most important ‘things’ in the world. It’s not okay to only be nice to your  spouse and nuclear/extended family members. Somebody once said “The person who is nice to you but isn’t nice to the waiter at the restaurant isn’t a nice person”. Develop some interpersonal and social skills in 2013. It is going to make you more lovable. You are going to win more friends and this would make you highly connected and influential.
7) Recreation and Family: Even though goals and targets have been set and must be met, make out time to relax. Indulge yourself sometimes. Find time to do something you enjoy doing. Spend time with your family and in that little time  you have to be the ones you love, make up for the times you aren't able to be with them.
8) Attitude: The saying that your attitude determines your altitude is now a cliche so I'd just say attitude is everything. Have the right attitude towards your job, your family, people and life generally. Think big and stay positive. Hating, bickering, maliciousness, back-biting and envy just sap useful energy.
9) Hygiene: It's about time you started paying more attention to your body and appearance. Do take good care of your hair, nail, teeth and skin. You should be the most important person to you, and if you don't take care of yourself, I wonder who will. Besides, if you fall sick, you would lose some time recuperating and that might hinder the timely achievement of your goals and fulfillment of your dreams.
10) Charity: In this new year, show some love to the needy and less privileged. It's amazing how just as little as 1% of your monthly income ($20 if you earn $2000) can wipe the tears on the faces of crying children and replace them with smiles. Therefore, I dare to say that for every one hundred you have, give one to charity. It makes the world a better place.
  Conclusively,life is all about getting better and it all starts with a decision and a determination to follow through on that decision. If you are determined enough, you will stick with your resolutions and be the better for it. A very happy and prosperous new year to my readers.

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